Friday, September 19, 2008

And more photos!

The Circus Maxentius on the Appian Way, looking just like the early 19th century engravings of ancient ruins... all this right in Rome, on the 118 bus line.
Ben and Hazel on the ancient Appian Way.

The lies come spilling out eventually.... (Actually, it's the sun - how cool is that?)

The Bocca della Verita has already done its dastardly worst!

Run out and rent Roman Holiday, if you haven't seen it lately!

Fountains everywhere -- the water is delicious. This one needs no caption: we call it Fountain of the Balls.

Scroll down for Ben's most recent -- on the omnipresence of mortality in Rome...


So It Shall Be Written said...

Sarah, Tom and Ben -- Wonderful to see some of your exploits! I'm glad you arrived and are enjoying Italia. All is well with us. We're trying to find a house! Pace! Joe & Robert

Brioboy said...

Somewhere I have photo of myself at about five years old with tears and terror in my face as my father guides my hand to The Mouth of Truth. Glad to see you came away intact and can thus keep writing these wonderful missives.
With love